Estate and Gift Tax Valuation: Trusted by Professionals
Estate planning is not just about minimizing taxes, it gives you control over how your assets are to be passed down to your heirs. A clear and concise plan is crucial, which means you need a well-executed valuation.
Estate and gift taxes are levied by the federal government on property transfers from one person to another at death (estate tax) or while the giver is alive (gift tax). Several states also impose estate taxes.
Purpose of Estate and Gift Tax Valuations
Due to the heavy scrutiny imposed by the IRS and regulators, it is vital to value a business or other property that may be needed for estate planning purposes to determine the probable amount of estate or gift taxes as an aid in planning prior to the death of a business owner. Valuation of a business, business interest, or other property owned by the estate of a deceased person is often necessary to prepare and file an estate tax return.
Redwood Advantage for Gift & Estate Tax Valuation
Redwood’s appraisers have completed thousands of different types of valuations and are equipped to provide Gift & Estate Valuations of the highest quality. Our team of highly qualified specialists can provide accurate, timely, and unbiased opinions of value that withstand scrutiny by auditors, attorneys, and regulatory agencies. Our focus on valuation enables us to attain the highest level of technical proficiency and maintain the highest valuation standards.
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Fill out this form to send your contact information to one of our valuation experts. We will review your details, and then follow up with you to start your valuation.