Business Valuation Los Angeles
The Los Angeles tech scene is here to shine. A decade ago, Los Angeles was known for being the heart of the entertainment industry – Hollywood attracting thousands of aspiring actors and starlets each year. On the other hand, Los Angeles lacked any form of a technology scene. However in the past few years Los Angeles ranks third as a leading entrepreneurial hub and with the growing entrepreneurial spirit of this city, startup communities are rising. Now home to one of the hottest American startups, Los Angeles has become a home to the most exciting companies in the world, and beyond. Los Angeles based Redwood Valuation has years of venture capital and startup valuation experience. We believe that our unique experience will provide the dynamic Los Angeles community with a valuable resource uncommon in the region.
If you plan to issue stock options in the next twelve months or have any questions about potential valuations, give us a call for a free consultation and we will give you candid advice about whether a valuation may be needed and how we might help. Our goal is to help our clients achieve their desired goals with minimal burden.
Our clients have direct access to Redwood’s managing partners and directors. You know your business better than anyone, and the valuation process includes subjective assessments that require your input. We guide you through this process, save your time, and allow you to focus on what matters – growing your business. Get a quality company appraisal in Los Angeles.
Call Redwood Valuation Partners for your next business valuation (206) 660-1295
Business Valuation Los Angeles
The Redwood team has performed many IRC 409A Valuation Los Angeles engagements, and we offer a wide variety of business appraisals to Los Angeles. Other services include ASC 805 valuation (purchase price allocations), IP valuation, patent valuation, impairment valuation, carried interest valuation, portfolio valuations, IRC 382 valuations, and many other types of stock valuations and business valuations.
With over 50 years of combined valuation experience, we provide top-tier expertise and client service at a reasonable price. Our experience as CFOs and Controllers of venture firms and startups separates us from our competitors who lack the boots-on-the-ground experience that our clients have, which we also share.
Startup and Appraisals for Los Angeles
If you plan to issue stock options in the next twelve months or have any questions about potential valuations, give us a call for a free consultation and we will give you candid advice about whether a valuation may be needed and how we might help. Our goal is to help our clients achieve their desired goals with minimal burden.
409A Valuation Los Angeles
Redwood Valuation Partners was formed behind an idea of service positioning us as one of the most well-respected companies in the industry. Our expert knowledge of finance, tax, venture capital, and the audit process helps us understand the difficulties of start-ups. We speak your language! Give us a call and learn how we can help. For information on Business Valuations follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook and find us on Google+ too! (206) 660-1295